There is Great Value in Collaboration

A friend and industry colleague sent me an interview request yesterday. A reporter at a mutual fund publication was on deadline and looking for a source for a story about the shutdown of the Federal Government. Dave has a great relationship with this reporter but unfortunately, he did not have a source at the time. He did not want to leave the reporter hanging so he asked me for help.

Luckily, the attorney who I contacted was available and a great fit for the story.

When the reporter asked for a quick comment via email the attorney responded right away.

Besides getting a thank you note from the reporter and having the quote published today, there was a major residual effect. It made my friend look good in the eyes of that reporter. And, isn’t that what it’s all about? That reporter will not only come back to me, but will value Dave as a great resource for future opportunities.

Similar to the advice that BD professionals offer their attorneys, offering valuable referrals makes as strong an impact on the client as completing a
matter successfully. While media relations professionals are in a very competitive environment, especially those who are consultants, there is great value in collaboration.