Your News Junk is Clogging the Drain
Do you wonder why a reporter is not getting back to you about a great story you pitched? It’s probably because the news system is clogged with so much junk that your timely, reputable story or source can’t get through.
An editor of a real estate trade journal recently said the volume of email is so tremendous, his staff does not have the time to respond to everything that is sent.
“The number of press releases, etc. that most of us get is so high that trying to reply to them all is simply unfeasible. I certainly don’t mean to excuse all of our failure to respond – you, I know, are particularly good about sending along helpful sources, pitches, etc. – but in terms of mass PR blasts, sometimes we only manage to reply when it’s something we’re interested in pursuing.”
And, she said that despite the ongoing education about what is news and what is not, the stream is so heavy that the whole system gets backed up.
“I’ve explained to people at this TV station about a dozen times that we are a real estate newspaper and will never be interested in covering their new reality show. I, probably more than most, try to respond to PR folks to help them understand what we’re looking for. But I swear, some reps must just be paid by the number of emails they send out.”
What can we do to unclog the drain? Be honest with your attorneys/clients. Not all news deserves a news release. And, understand that you are doing yourself and your firm a disservice by sending unnecessary communications about every award, appointment, new associate without thinking about the long term impact of press release fatigue. Not only does it make an editor or reporter mad, but it is not helpful to any of us who have legitimate news and sources to pitch. Do us all a favor. Please stop sending junk.